Eric Bainbridge, Occurrence on an Endless Column (1987), mixed fur fabric, plaster, timber, and steel, 281.9 × 226.1 × 139.7 cm, at Animal Art, Graz, 1987, photo: Angelika Gradwohl; courtesy of the artist; © Bildrecht, Wien 2021
Hermann Nitsch, Brudermord. 85. Aktion (1987), action, Kasematten am Schloßberg, Graz, 1987, photo: Angelika Gradwohl; © Hermann Nitsch, courtesy of the artist; © Bildrecht, Wien 2021
Der Plan, concert at Klar und Wahr, Haus der Jugend, Graz, 1987, photo: Angelika Gradwohl
VALIE EXPORT, Wer begreift hat Flügel (1974), object, at Animal Art, Graz, 1987, photo: Angelika Gradwohl; courtesy of Centre national d’art et de culture Georges-Pompidou, Paris; © VALIE EXPORT, Bildrecht Wien, 2021, courtesy of the artist
Tanztheater Wien, Der Schrei des Kardinals: Die seltsamen Stunden vor der Stunde des Abflugs (1987), dance, Oper Graz, 1987, photo: Tandy
“‘Do you like what you are producing?”—I was often asked this. My answer: ‘You ate putting the question incorrectly. It has nothing to do wit someone’s personal taste. Old, long-revered art has also its direct hits and its white elephants. Let the new generation have a go. Let us give them an open stage. We shall know more definitely in a few years’ time, whether one produces momentary shooting-stars, or comes the next classic.” And so strokes of genius and trash alternate in the Styrian Autumn. But all in all it has withstood much confusion. Hence a reason for celebrating? A genuine anniversary? Celebrate? Is that sustainable? Hasn’t the Styrian Autumn always justified those for whom the celebration easily becomes a grimace? There was also a desire to remain underground.”
—Kurt Jungwirth (original booklet translation)
The motto for steirischer herbst in its twentieth year was Animal Art. For the opening, there was a peace performance by the American conceptual artist Paul Kos with fifty carrier pigeons released during the pealing of bells at midday—with messages to Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan. People were encouraged to bring their pets to this event: frequencies only audible to animals were broadcast and special buffet stands were provided for dogs, cats, birds, and other animals.
An extensive exhibition held at several locations (Galerie Hanns Christian Hoschek, Joanneum-Ecksaal, Palais Attems, and others) and a symposium conceived and organized by Richard Kriesche were dedicated to the artistic occupation since the end of the 1960s with real, living animals. Works on exhibit included the performance Immersion by Mark Thompson, in which a swarm of bees completely enveloped the artist’s body.
The premiere of Friedrich Cerha’s opera Der Rattenfänger (The Pied Piper), after the eponymous play by Carl Zuckmayer, was presented at the Opernhaus. The exhibition Broken Neon at the Forum Stadtpark demonstrated the “Kolognialisierung” (Colognialization) of Graz fueled by the collaboration of the Galerie Bleich-Rossi (Graz) and Galerie Max Hetzler (Cologne) as well as their protagonists Jörg Schlick and Martin Kippenberger (the German neologism alluding to the influence of Cologne was coined by Rainer Metzger).
The Animal as a conveyor and medium of art
K/Werk - theatre workshop
Fine Arts
Das Tier bei Attersee 1967 bis 1987
Österreichische Fotografen fotografieren österreichische Tiere
Als ob man durch einen unglücklichen Zufall das Menschsein verlernt
Susurrus - ein Besuch. Unauffällig, höflich und leicht abwesend
Siegfried Anzinger Neue Arbeiten auf Papier
Farb-Räume, Raum-Wirklichkeiten
Zeichnungen, Aquarelle, Pastelle 1973 bis 1987
Zeitgenossenschaft / The Contemporary
Rudolf Pointner zum 80. Geburtstag
Plain and true
Jugendmusikfest Deutschlandsberg Orchesterkonzert 27.10.1987
Mürztaler Werkstatt Konzert 30.10.1987
Mürztaler Werkstatt Konzert 31.10.1987
Mürztaler Werkstatt Konzert 6.11.1987
Sakrale Musik in der Kirche St. Jakob
Akademisches Wirtshaus 3.11.1987
Primaten 1987 + artist in residence.
Festival opening
19.09., 12:00
Opening of steirischer herbst ’87 and the event series Animal Art
Paul Kos (USA): Carrier Pigeons 1987
Atelier Korösistraße, Galerie Hoschek, Joanneum, Ecksaal, Palais Attems, Schloss Eggenberg, Schloßbergplatz
Cafe Wien, Mürzzuschlag
Eisenwerk Breitenfeld, Mitterdorf
Forum Stadtpark
Galerie Bleich-Rossi
Galerie CC
Galerie Freiberger, Mürzzuschlag
Galerie Griss
Galerie H. + W. Lang
Galerie K
Grazer Congress / Saal Steiermark
Haus der Jugend
Hotel Post, Kindberg
Kaiserzimmer der Freiberg-Hauses, Mürzzuschlag
Kammermusiksaal (Grazer Kongress)
Kulturhaus Graz
Musikschule Deutschlandsberg
Neue Galerie Graz
Neue Galerie/Studio Graz
Oper Graz
Palais Attems
Palais Meran
Palais Saurau
Pfarrsaal, Krieglach
Refektorium des Münsters
Römisch-katholische Pfarrkirche
Saal Steiermark (Grazer Congress)
Saal der Handelskammer Mürzzuschlag
Saal der Musikschule, Mürzzuschlag
Schauspielhaus Graz
Schloss Pichl, Mitterdorf
Stefaniensaal (Grazer Kongress)
Universität Graz
Program booklet of steirischer herbst 1987: steirischer herbst, steirischer herbst ’87 (Graz: 1987)
steirischer herbst, Animal Art (Graz: steirischer herbst, 1987)
Forum Stadpark, Broken Neon (Graz: Forum Stadtpark, 1987)
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, trigon 87. Übergänge (Graz: 1987)
Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, XXII. Internationale Malerwochen in der Steiermark 1987 (Graz: 1987)