Ingeborg Bachmann, Der gute Gott von Manhattan (1958), stage version of a radio play, with Judith Melischek, Haus der Jugend, Graz, 1984, photo: steirischer herbst archive / Philipp
Mauricio Kagel, … Nach einer Lektüre von Orwell (1984), stage version of a radio play, Congress Graz, 1984, photo: steirischer herbst archive / Philipp
Giorgio Bosazzi, La larva (1984), masque, at Falso Loco, Ehemaliger Schlachthof Graz, 1984, photo: steirischer herbst archive / Philipp
Neue Wege des plastischen Gestaltens in Österreich, exhibition view, Künstlerhaus Graz, 1984, photo: steirischer herbst archive / Philipp
Franz Yang-Močnik, Gefühl & Härte (1984), wooden construction touched up with putty compound, 2.5 m × 1 m, at Neue Wege des plastischen Gestaltens in Österreich, Neue Galerie Graz, 1984, photo: steirischer herbst archive / Philipp; courtesy of the artist
“So in steirischer herbst ’84 it is 1984 and not ‘1984.’ In any case, one focus of the program—after a thirteen-year break in steirischer herbst—is architecture. In spite of discussions concerning the old city and efforts connected with development plans or local planning that have been taking place for decades, this exhibition will not be set up in the so-called public space that is already developed and thus defined. Architekturvision 1984 (Vision of Architecture 1984) is being presented in a bunker under the Schloßberg in Graz that protected thousands from bombs each day during the final years of the war and has now been opened for the first time for this exhibition. In other words, in spaces in which people who were confronted with the apocalypse could see our future ending, provided it is granted to us at all. … The beginning of a vision has its origin at the end of a feeling of foreboding.”
—Herbert Nichols
In 1984, the name steirischer herbst was translated into English as “styrian autumn” in the bilingual pamphlet supplementing the bound program booklet, emphasizing its international character for the first time. As for the overarching theme, it did not take very long to come up with one in the year of Orwell—it was provided by the year itself.
The program opened with the concerto A Farewell to Orwell, “a contemporary organization of sound for jazz musicians, acoustic instruments, and electronic machines” (composer Erich Kleinschuster quoted in the program booklet) that was commissioned by steirischer herbst and presented at the Stefaniensaal. It was followed by... after a reading by Orwell, Mauricio Kagel’s “scenic presentation of a radio play in the Germanic meta-language” that was performed by the ensemble of the Bremer Theater in the Saal Steiermark at the Congress Graz. In the former Schlachthof (slaughterhouse), the interdisciplinary format falso loco followed open house and herbstpark, including a crossover and special program, which were nevertheless not continued after this year.
In the field of theater and music, there were premieres of G. M. Hofmann’s Blasius (director: Wolfgang Bauer) and Luna Alcalay’s Ich bin in Sehnsucht eingehüllt (I Am Swathed in Yearning), scenic reflections on love poems by Selma Meerbaum from the Mikhailovka Concentration Camp. musikprotokoll and the Music Symposium were dedicated to a Personale (solo presentation) on György Ligeti, who had been a regular in the program since the very first year. There was also a separate architecture section for the first time, including the exhibition Architekturvisionen 1984 (Visions of Architecture; concept: Sokratis Dimitriou) in an air-raid shelter on the Schloßberg. Märchen—Mythen—Monster: Modell Trinidas (Fairy Tales—Legends—Monsters: The Trinidas Model; concept: Wilfried Skreiner) was presented at the Künstlerhaus and the Neue Galerie, with artists from Germany, France, Switzerland, and Austria.
falso loco
Konzert der wahrscheinlich ersten zeitgenössischen Big-Band der Lower-East-Side
Grenzspiel oder Wir zähmen Adamas
Das digital codierte Kosmosparadies von Morgen!
Solo für 4 Synthesizer, Tapes und Multirotor
Punkti, Punkti - Strich, Strich...
Von Django Reinhardt bis Funk-Jazz
Musik, Speis und Trank für gestresste Babysitter und Sontagsausflügler(innen)
Ich bin in Sehnsucht eingehüllt
Panopticum a la Madame Tussaud oder großes Sterben - Das heißt der schwarze Tod
music festival deutschlandsberg
1. Jugendmusikfest Deutschlandsberg Club
Vier Deutschlandsberger Erstlingswerke
Konzert mit vier Konzerten und Deutschlandsberger Mohrentanz
Das Eggenberger Ritual. Farbfotografien
Da schlägt der Pinsel den Fuchs entzwei
Grafische Bücher und Buchobjekte zum Thema Apokalypse
Futuristische Maler und Manifeste
Einführung in die Literatur des Futurismus
Musikalische Neuorientierung im Futurismus
Junge Mürztaler Musiker spielen Kammermusik.
Die Ungarischen Konstruktivisten
Akademisches Wirtshaus 28.10.1984
Zeitgenössische Musik in der Kirche
Die Arbeiter wehren sich tapfer - Fünfzig Jahre nach den Ereignissen im Februar 1934
Festival opening
17.09., 17:00
Congress Graz
Opening Erich Kleinschuster: A Farewell to Orwell
Mauricio Kagel (FRG): …nach einer Lektüre von Orwell
Annenhofkino, Rechbauerkino, Forum Stadtpark
Aula des Bundesrealgymnasiums Mürzzuschlag
Aula des Bundesschulzentrums, Mürzzuschlag
BRG Modellschule, VS Jahngasse Gleisdorf
Dom, Graz
Ehemaliger Schlachthof
Forum Stadtpark
Galerie Bleich-Rossi
Galerie Droschl
Galerie K
Galerie Moser
Galerie Steirische Moderne in der Fabrik
Gasthof Zum weißen Rößl, Mürzzuschlag
Girardibühne des Opernhauses
Grazer Congress
Haus der Jugend
Hotel Post, Kindberg
Joanneum, Ecksaal
Kammermusiksaal (Grazer Kongress)
Kammermusiksaal Graz
Kulturhaus Graz
Künstlerhaus, Neue Galerie Graz
Luftschutzstollen im Schloßberg, stadtmuseumgraz
Minoriten-Galerien Graz
Musikschule Deutschlandsberg
Palais Saurau
Rathaussaal Mürzzuschlag
Refektorium des Münsters
Römisch-katholische Pfarrkirche, Krieglach
Schauspielhaus Graz
Stefaniensaal (Grazer Kongress)
Universität Graz
VÖEST - Alpine - AG, Werk Krieglach
Program booklet of steirischer herbst 1984: executive secretary's office, steirischer herbst ’84 (Graz: 1984)
Alexander Pühringer ans Nikolaus Hellmayr (Eds.), NOEMA. Kunst + Kritik Nr. 1 (Salzburg – Vienna: 1984)
steirischer herbst, Architekturvision 1984. Skizzenbuch (Graz: 1984)