steirischer herbst ’82

Program Directorate

After Peter Vujica was appointed as the first artistic director of steirischer herbst in January, the festival of 1982 took place under the direction of the Program Directorate for the last time. Apart from the premiere of Wolfgang Bauer’s play Batyscaphe 17‒26 oder Die Hölle ist oben (Bathyscaphe 17–26, or Hell Is Above) at the Theater im Keller, the focus of this edition was on theater from Latin America, including the German premiere of Augusto Boal’s Murro em Ponta de Faca (With the Fist into the Open Knife), as Mit der Faust ins offene Messer, at the Schauspielhaus.

musikprotokoll and the Music Symposium were dedicated to a Personale (solo presentation) of the Austrian-British composer and musicologist Egon Wellesz, while the Literature Symposium focused on contemporary literature from North America and the Steirische Akademie (Styrian Academy) examined the question of God.

In the area of contemporary art, the focus was on quite different regions and topics: the Kulturhaus presented Junge Fotografen aus der Steiermark (Young Photographers from Styria), the Neue Galerie Schweizer Kunst ’70‒’80 (Swiss Art), and the Künstlerhaus works from the Ulbricht Collection. Among the fifty-six predominantly German artists, there were only two women.


theater from latin america





ignm - simc - iscm - world music festival

television days 82

Festival opening

16.10., 11:00
Opening by president Rudolf Kirchschläger


Aula des Bundesschulzentrums, Mürzzuschlag


Dom, Graz

Forum Stadtpark

Galerie K

Grazer Congress / Austellungshalle

Grazer Stadtgebiet

Haus der Jugend

Joanneum, Ecksaal

Kammermusiksaal (Grazer Kongress)

Konzerthaus Wien (Ausstellungshalle)

Konzerthaus Wien (Großer Saal)

Konzerthaus Wien (Mozartsaal)

Kulturhaus Graz

Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten


Neue Galerie Graz


ORF-Landesstudio, Galerie Droschl, Länderbank

Palais Saurau


Rechbauerkino, Forum Stadtpark

Saal Steiermark (Grazer Congress)

Saal Steiermark (Grazer Congress), Grazer Congress / Austellungshalle

Saal Steiermark (Grazer Congress), Grazer Congress / Stefaniensaal

Schauspielhaus Graz

Stefaniensaal ( Grazer Kongress )

Stefaniensaal (Grazer Kongress)

Theater im Keller

Universität Graz

Volkshaus Krieglach

Werkscasino Hönigsberg


ÖGB-Keller, Südtirolerplatz


Program booklet of steirischer herbst 1982: steirischer herbst executive secretary's office, steirischer herbst ’82 (Graz: steirischer herbst executive secretary's office, 1982)

Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Erwin Wurm. Skulpturen (Graz: 1982)

Erich Tschinkel, Projekt Friedensnobelpreisträger (Kirchdorf: 1982)

Walter-Buchebner-Corporation, Alfred Hrdlicka. Wie ein Totentanz. Die Ereignisse des 20. Juli 1944 (Mürzzuschlag: 1982)

Dieter Cwienk and Anton Weiss, Gott? Vorträge der 23. Steirischen Akademie (Graz: dbv – Verlag für die Technische Universität Graz, 1982)

→  Available here
