steirischer herbst ’78

Program Directorate

Festival dates

“In the focus program of steirischer herbst ’78, theater groups from the United States, France, England, Italy, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Poland will present a form of theater that can be characterized as nonverbal. This nonverbal field of experimentation is situated in the area between dance, pantomime, opera, theater, show, circus, and variety theater; it distances itself from literary drama and is expressed in a strongly visual way, often in sounds that are as distant from words as possible. Is this the beginning of a new theater dramaturgy of optically phonetic functionality?”
—Program booklet ’78

Karl Neubauer once again created the poster for steirischer herbst in 1978, as he had done in the previous year: this time showing the arms of a man kneading a lump of dough. The focus of the festival—Nonverbales Theater (Nonverbal Theater)—was announced at the opening in the Redoutensaal of the Schauspielhaus. Groups from the United States, France, England, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Poland presented experimental forms of theater employing dance, pantomime, opera, play, show, circus, and variety theater (called Artistik, or artistry, in the program text) in the preliminary information program as well as in the main program.

The exhibitions in the main program included Reportage—Fotografen (Reportage—Photographers) at the Forum Stadtpark. The Aleksandr Scriabin retrospective, in which Neue Musik for keyboard instruments could also be heard, was the highlight of musikprotokoll and the Music Symposium. Within the framework of steirischer herbst in 1978, the first workshop of Musikanimation Mürzzuschlag also took place outside of Graz, entitled Technik und Musik: Animation zur akustischen Umwelterfahrung (Technology and Music: Animation for Experiencing the Environment Acoustically); the format was part of the program until 1982.


non-verbal theatre





literature symposion

youth corner



Festival opening

07.10., 17:00
Opening by president Rudolf Kirchschläger 


Arbeiterkammersaal Deutschlandsberg

Aula der Hauptschule Weiz

Aula des Bundesrealgymnasiums Mürzzuschlag

Aula des Bundesschulzentrums Deutschlandsberg

Forum Stadtpark

Galerie Carneri

Ganggalerie im Rathaus

Grazer Stadtgebiet

Haus der Jugend

Joanneum, Ecksaal

Kammermusiksaal (Grazer Kongress)

Konzertsaal Nikolaigasse

Kulturhaus Graz

Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten

Künstlerhaus, Neue Galerie Graz

Neue Galerie Graz

Oper Graz

Palais Attems

Palais Saurau

Probebühne (Schauspielhaus)

Rechbauerkino, Minoritensaal

Saal der Handelskammer Mürzzuschlag, Hotel Rußmann Mürzzuschlag

Saal des BRG Bad Radkersburg

Saal des Leibnitzer MGV

Schauspielhaus Graz

St. Georgs Kirche, Adriach bei Frohnleiten

Stadtmuseum Graz


Stefaniensaal (Grazer Kongress)

Steiermärkische Sparkasse


Stift Rein, Pleschkogel, Alte Kirche St. Bartholomä, Minoritensaal


Technische Universität



Program booklet of steirischer herbst 1978: steirischer herbst executive secretary's office, steirischer herbst ’78 (Graz: steirischer herbst executive secretary's office, 1978)

→  Available here

Richard Kriesche (ed.), Art Artist & The Media. AVZ books 2 (Graz: AVZ-Graz, 1978)

steirischer herbst (Open House), Karl Neubacher. Ich. Plakate und Posters (Graz: 1978)

Otto Kolleritsch, Franz Schreker. Am Begin der neuen Musik 8 (Studien zur Wertungsforschung 11) (Graz-Vienna: Universal Edition, 1978)

Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Der Rahmen, meine Welt. Die Sammlung eines italienischen Tischlers (Graz: 1978)

Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Hubert Schmalix. Stilleben (Graz: 1978)
