Urlaubsfreude lodert aus dem Wald

Wanderungen und Führungen zu den realen Orten von Elfriede Jelineks "Die Kinder der Toten"

Out of Graz, Participate


3 Stunden im Naturtheater
Fr 29.09.2017 & Fr 06.10.2017, 15.00
So 01.10.2017 & So 08.10.2017, 10.00
Treffpunkt: VAZ Mürzer Oberland
Mit dem Bus und zu Fuß zu Schauplätzen des Romans

Wo, bitte, geht’s zum toten Weib?
So 01.10.2017 & So 08.10.2017, 10.00
Treffpunkt: VAZ Mürzer Oberland
Eine Bus-Tour zu Schauplätzen des Romans

Warme, regenfeste Kleidung sowie gutes Schuhwerk werden empfohlen.

VAZ Mürzer Oberland

Part of
Die Kinder der Toten

Production specifics
Mit Unterstützung von Naturpark Mürzer Oberland

Fancy a Jelinek tour? Specially organised coach tours and walks and a brochure take you on a journey to the mysterious locations of “Die Kinder der Toten“.

When groups are guided around the sewers of Vienna to the locations of “The Third Man” and tourists in Dublin tread the paths of James Joyce’s “Ulysses”, why shouldn’t “Die Kinder der Toten” have its own fan outings too?

Like many seemingly free-floating fantasies, Elfriede Jelinek’s book is also founded on very real places and points of reference: on Austria of the early 1990s, when remorse for historical crimes and unease in the face of new ultra-rightist subversion was only given lip-service. And on the landscape of Upper Styria, where this idyllic setting was home to much madness, between the cult of consecration in Mariazell and the places of Jelinek’s childhood in Neuberg, between exploitation and tourism-friendly ingratiation.

A herbst walking brochure tempts you to discover the locations of the novel for yourself. Coach tours between Neuberg and Niederalpl give local guides the opportunity to talk of actual conditions in the region. And along the Tirol hiking trail near Krampen you can take a guided tour to discover such locations as the mysterious Pension Alpenrose. So the truth is out there somewhere...

Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Reiseführerinnen und Reiseführern aus der Region
