Tosende Stille

Eine 144-stündige öffentliche Lesung des Jelinek-Romans "Die Kinder der Toten"

Participate, Reading


29.09. – 01.10.2017
06.10. – 08.10.2017
13.10. – 15.10.2017
jeweils von Freitag 12.00 bis Sonntag 12.00 ohne Unterbrechung
VAZ Mürzer Oberland
Eintritt frei
Ab 16 Jahren
Information und Anmeldung zum Vorlesen unter lesen@steirischerherbst

VAZ Mürzer Oberland

Part of
Die Kinder der Toten

Production specifics
In Zusammenarbeit mit transit | interdisziplinäre kunst und kultur

666 pages of Jelinek in 144 hours as a collective reading experience. On three weekends, steirischer herbst invites the audience to take part in a public reading of “ Die Kinder der Toten” from cover to cover. Again and again.

There are a few of the 666 pages for everyone: every week from midday on Friday to midday on Sunday, readers take fifteen-minute turns each. The aim is not to perform a “beautiful recital” but rather to experience and hear a choir of different voices and moods that not only breathes life into the tortuous plotlines of the novel, but also the incredible sound of the text when read aloud. Times of day and night alternate, sounds die away, we can hear voices differently, and we can experience the story (history) with its own language.

After all, what was it that Elfriede Jelinek herself wrote? “Listen! The spoken word comes from me, it comes out of me and goes into you, and it is equally an image, but one that you don’t even need to see. If you cannot see, you must hear. Hearing can be as enticing as images can be even before they are there. You do not need to think before you speak, but you must think when you listen. As long as you just hear, everything is open.”

Künstlerische Leitung: Andreas Pronegg
Konzept / Idee: Andreas Pronegg
Künstlerische Leitung: Katarína Csányiová
Konzept / Idee: Katarína Csányiová
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Johannes Steger
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Benedikt Steiner
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Lena Steinhuber
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Julia Stiegler
Technik: Vladi Tchapanov
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Josef Szeiler
Kostüme: Brigitte Moscon

