Der Große Dreh

Performance, Participate


Auftakt & Crashkurs
30.09.2017, ab 10.00
Der Große Dreh I
30.09.2017, ab 12.00 – 18.00
Cinema 666 – Auferstehung der Toten
Der Große Dreh II
07.10.2017, ab 12.00 – 18.00
The Great Parade
Der Große Dreh III
14.10.2017, ab 17.00 – 23.00
Alle öffentlichen Drehs an welchen Sie auch teilnehmen können»


Part of
Die Kinder der Toten

Production specifics
Auftragswerk steirischer herbst

Mit Unterstützung von Stadtgemeinde Mürzzuschlag, kunsthaus muerz, Marktgemeinde Neuberg an der Mürz, Naturpark Mürzer Oberland

Produktion Film Ulrich Seidl Filmproduktion

„Die Kinder der Toten“ von Elfriede Jelinek ist im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag erschienen.

The Nature Theater of Oklahoma ventures the impossible: creating a film version of Elfriede Jelinek’s novel “Die Kinder der Toten”. Filming around Neuberg an der Mürz is, at the same time, a live performance. Anyone who wants can come along and watch and, above all, join in!

Join steirischer herbst and immerse yourself in the world(s) of “Die Kinder der Toten”. The New York-based performance collective Nature Theater of Oklahoma is set to stage public film shoots for a very free film adaptation of Jelinek’s novel at original locations in Upper Styria. The participation of the local population and the herbst audience is welcome in every respect. Major and minor roles are available. Help is needed for all aspects of the film. You can take part in shooting, whether you’ve got time for just one day or ten days. We’ve got room for anyone who’s up for this adventure!

steirischer herbst discovered the Nature Theater of Oklahoma for Europe through a number of outstanding works for theatre. In recent years, however, Kelly Copper and Pavol Liska have ventured increasingly into the realm between film shoot and live performance. They recently staged an adaptation of “Nibelungen” on the Rhine with amateurs, following on from film classics by Rossellini and Godard with a project entitled “Deutschland – Jahr 2071” in Cologne and Berlin.

They are now set to transform the area around Neuberg an der Mürz for a good month into a scene and film location for wild Heimatfilm phantasms and odd homely horror. Shooting takes place from mid-September to mid-October, seven days a week, but we are looking for lots of participants above all for the big shoots on Saturdays: no matter whether you find yourself on the sidelines of a monstrous accident scenario, whether you’re present at an undead parade, or whether you witness the dead coming out of the screen in a dilapidated cinema – you’ll always be both spectator and actor.

Regie: Kelly Copper
Regie: Pavol Liska
Konzept / Idee: Veronica Kaup-Hasler
Konzept / Idee: Claus Philipp
