Daniel Wetzel / Rimini Protokoll
Orte der Überschreibung

Workshop / Animation, Symposium


Workshop 4 in englischer Sprache

Palais Attems

Part of
herbst-Akademie 2015

In the performances of the Rimini Protokoll theatre collective, the act of remembering, generally a way of preventing something from being forgotten, is made visible as an act of overwriting and, above all, inscribing – personal, political and social pasts into the present. For Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf, Band 1 & 2, co-produced by steirischer herbst, it is once again the expertise and experiences of the protagonists with the propaganda publication that constitute the central material, ninety years after publication of the book. The incomplete search for traces turns the stage into a field of play between fact and fiction. In other projects, the company uses specific sites – almost parasitically – as a stage on which to view the present. In “Hausbesuch Europa” ( 2015 ), for example, it is the audience’s living rooms. The workshop examines selected works of Rimini Protokoll with the aid of practical experimental set-ups.

Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Daniel Wetzel
