n node
Der Zukunft des Radios auf der Spur

n node meets Graz

Workshop / Animation, Concert / Austrian premiere


Do 9.10., 19.30
Workshops / Open House
Di 7.10. & Mi 8.10.,
19.00 – 21.00
9.10 – 12.10., 14.00 – 16.00

Festivalzentrum Paulustorgasse

Part of
musikprotokoll 2014

Production specifics

In Kooperation mit Deutschlandradio Kultur, CTM Festival & Ö1 Kunstradio, esc medien kunst labor, mur.at, Radio Helsinki, Pd-graz & Realraum

Im Rahmen von ECAS – Networking Tomorrow‘s Art For An Unknown Future, working period 3 „Ubiquitous Art and Music. Art, Sound and the Everyday“

What surprises does radio hold in store for us? Radio activists from Graz and artists in the city join forces with the media artist’s group p node to examine how the narrative, participatory and imaginary potential of this medium can be realised in the future.

For the duration of the festival a temporary social space will open for visitors to give free rein to their creativity. The group of artists provides a wide range of cutting-edge and sometimes older technologies with the aim of enabling reflection on the basic historical and societal conditions of radio.

p node sees radio as an instrument that anyone can learn quickly and easily. The doors of the radio workshop will be open for anyone interested – and maybe you will soon be able to actively take part in the first performance.

Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: n node
