Dableiben - weggehen

Walk 3

Event / Action / Happening / Party / Walk / Intervention, Public space


Grazer Stadtgebiet

Part of
Strategien zur Unglücksvermeidung

Production specifics
Eine Koproduktion von steirischer herbst, Akademie Graz & next-Verein für bildende Kunst.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch AVL List GmbH, evolaris Privatstiftung, Grazer Stadtwerke AG, AEVG GmbH Graz & Microsoft Photogrammetry / Vexcel Imaging GmbH

What voluntary and involuntary social strategies between allying oneself and refusing, between staying there and going away, exist in a time of total mobility and flexibility?

The self-experience tour “Speed Socializing” is a bus trip to places in Graz that allow us to experience the accelerated dynamism and dissolution of near and far at first hand, from virtual globetrotting in Microsoft’s Virtual Earth, powertrain engineering at AVL-List GmbH, to Garbology at the recycling centre of waste disposal company Abfall-, Entsorgungs- und Verwertungs GmbH Graz. The tour is accompanied by theoretical and artistic reflections as to how social networks are organised in a world that has started to move.

Konzept / Idee: Astrid Kury
Konzept / Idee: Luise Kloos
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Christina Medina
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Bertl Mütter
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Otto Petrovic
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Wolfgang Welsch
