Workshop II vocabulaboratories-Wie artikulieren wir Handlungsräume?

vocabulaboratories-Wie artikulieren wir Handlungsräume?

Workshop / Animation


in englischer Sprache

Festivalzentrum im Joanneum

Part of
herbst-Akademie 2008

What is a vocabulary? 1. something that everyone has and works with. 2. a toolbox of ideas and strategies, which we access in order to position ourselves, say things, act and make sense in/of the world. 3. always in the language of some body/bodies. 4. to do with the voice; allows us to become vocal. 4. a matter of what we do, how and why we do it.

Vocabularies are steeped in practice. Could vocabularies be local devices that allow us to do what we say while saying what we do?

“vocabulaboratories” is a project consisting of collaborative laboratory spaces, in which people from divergent fields explore and work with their vocabularies. The labs are spaces in which we expose, share and develop our individual and collective investments in concepts. At steirischer herbst, we will put the notion of ‘strategy’ at stake, question and experiment its meanings and relevance through other conceptual and practical frameworks.

With Ludotek, we will work on the concept of “empowerment”, as a processual strategy for gaining access to environments (political, chronotopic, social, cultural…), and as a way to increase collective power over the resources and decisions that concern our lives. With Judith Schwentner, we will focus on ‘survival’, do an urban drift-walk to get to socially critical sites, meet people and ask how our strategies can become operative when confronted at a very Workshop II


How do we articulate spaces for action?

13/10 – 18/10/2008

By Paz Rojo (E) & Manuela Zechner (GB/A)

With Ludotek (E), Judith Revel (F ) & Judith Schwentner (A)

In English language

What is a vocabulary? 1. something that everyone has and works with. 2. a toolbox of ideas and strategies, which we access in order to position ourselves, say things, act and make sense in/of the world. 3. always in the language of some body/bodies. 4. to do with the voice; allows us to become vocal. 4. a matter of what we do, how and why we do it.

Vocabularies are steeped in practice. Could vocabularies be local devices that allow us to do what we say while saying what we do?

“vocabulaboratories” is a project consisting of collaborative laboratory spaces, in which people from divergent fields explore and work with their vocabularies. The labs are spaces in which we expose, share and develop our individual and collective investments in concepts. At steirischer herbst, we will put the notion of ‘strategy’ at stake, question and experiment its meanings and relevance through other conceptual and practical frameworks.

With Ludotek, we will work on the concept of “empowerment”, as a processual strategy for gaining access to environments (political, chronotopic, social, cultural…), and as a way to increase collective power over the resources and decisions that concern our lives. With Judith Schwentner, we will focus on ‘survival’, do an urban drift-walk to get to socially critical sites, meet people and ask how our strategies can become operative when confronted at a very local nexus. With Judith Revel we will finally look at the concept of the ‘common’ from the perspective of philosophy, relate it to the idea of ‘strategy’ and in turn try to question and develop our own strategic positions with respect to theory. We do not privilege theory over practice or vice versa: rather we will build and negotiate our different ways of framing and sharing what we do. Paz Rojo & Manuela Zechner

Konzept / Idee: Paz Rojo
Konzept / Idee: Manuela Zechner
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Ludotek
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Judith Revel
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Judith Schwentner
