Noah Fischer
Pop Ark



Festivalzentrum im Joanneum

Production specifics
Koproduktion steirischer herbst, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brüssel, & Rotterdamse Schouwburg

The “Pop Ark” of New York artist Noah Fischer, who designed the stage set for andcompany&Co.’s “Time Republic” last year, is in search of a stimulating approach to life after global warming. What is happiness when drowned polar bears are washed ashore because they could not find a piece of ice to save them? And when you can no longer trust the sun?

Like Al Gore’s much discussed film “An Inconvenient Truth”, “Pop Ark” is at once a slide show, rhetorical temptation, and film. A juke box style low-tech machine (that makes do with seven kilobytes) and a creative zone conceived as a commune based on Youtube, whose video bloggers inspired this work with their rambling thoughts on global warming. A ship, put together with language, light spectacle and Bill Cosby, on a perilous journey towards a merciful sun.

Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Noah Fischer
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Prem Makeig
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Gregoire Paultre
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Ronnie Bass
