esc medien kunst labor

nothing more human than humanoid



esc medien kunst labor

Part of
Parallel Program 2021

Production specifics
In coproduction with ORF musikprotokoll and kunst@werk

Supported by steirischer herbst ’21

“The real question is not whether machines think but whether men do.” —B. F. Skinner 

Human beings are on their way to becoming different creatures—interlinked and transformed by genetic engineering, surrounded by virtual realities and autonomous robots. The boundaries are becoming more and more fluid. For the first time in history, we are allowing AI-driven technologies to act “independently” and make ethical decisions. Human beings have always striven to create (better) imitations of themselves—to create superhumans. But this does not mean that humanoids are the same as humans.

nothing more human than humanoid reflects on the complexity of systems and the interrelationship of human and nonhuman actors, on its direct influence on human thought, feelings, and actions. We have an obligation to consider what defines us as human beings, to reflect on values and ethics and consequently to think about a “digital codex” that regulates our dealings with and employment of technology. 

Will robotics be the salvation of the weakening human race? Or in developing robots, are human beings playing a dangerous game against themselves?

Artists: Etsuko Ichihara, Kollektiv H.O, Ziv Ze’ev Cohen, alien production, Emanuel Gollob
