Veronika Mayer
Humanoid Sounds of Human Signs

Sound installation / Premiere


esc medien kunst labor

Part of
musikprotokoll 2021

Production specifics
The composition by Verena Mayer was commissioned by ORF musikprotokoll.
In cooperation with esc medien kunst labor

Human gestures create the interface between performer and software. Movements activate sonic processes, which the computer realizes musically through its learned capabilities (based on the principles of machine learning). The performative act, the non-verbal signals of gesticulation that provide information about human mental states, are the starting point for the composition: the resulting sound depends on the presence or absence of relationships, intuition, and creativity.  

In addition to the ambiguity of authorship, the process raises other questions, such as: To what extent does a composition become removed from its original concept through processes of machine learning that occur in the moment of sonic realization? At which stage does interaction take place? During the processes of composition and machine learning and/or during the performance? Who now bears the musical and aesthetic responsibility?

Concept, sound, electronics, performance: Veronika Mayer
